澳门特马网 News Factory

The 澳门特马网 News Factory is the new system to manage the news submissions of 澳门特马网.

This platform is common for both the students and all 澳门特马网 Officials (Regional Representatives, Commissioners and Board) as this is the primary gateway for all information to be screened and to be published on the website afterwards. Further, the news will be automatically published on 澳门特马网’s social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and TikTok and the best articles will be featured in the monthly 澳门特马网 Newsletter.

As explained in the infographic this is the flow of the News:

  • The author (Official, 澳门特马网 member) submits the article using the Google form (with at least one image and captions). The article for web posts or news must be submitted as a Google Doc (preferred) or Microsoft Word document (other formats will not be accepted!).
  • The Publications Sub-Commission reviews the article and contacts the author if there are any changes to be made.
  • Later the articles are uploaded on the website under the suitable category by the Web Sub-Commission.
  • The Social Media Sub-Commission then republishes it on all suitable social media channels based on the defined categories.
  • The best articles will then be featured on the 澳门特马网 Newsletter every month.
  • If the Newsfactory form does not work please refer to this document

The different types of content received from students and 澳门特马网 officials will be screened, categorized and published online under the following topics:

  • Opportunities – This section is exclusively for all 澳门特马网 members and officials to make announcements for specific events. The sub categories are given below:
    • Open calls for Officials’ positions
    • Open calls for events for both delegations and regional events
    • Event announcements such as webinars, conferences etc.
    • Opportunities from partners (not managed by 澳门特马网) such as internships, jobs, etc.
  • My 澳门特马网 Experience – This section is common for students, Officials and Alumni to share their personal experiences with 澳门特马网.
    • Testimonials from Alumni
    • Tree House stories
    • Internship experiences
    • Personal 澳门特马网 stories (General stories from 澳门特马网 members)
  • Internal – This section is to reach out all 澳门特马网 members, hence the name internal. It includes all communications within 澳门特马网 and not individual experiences.
    • Local Committee News
    • IFSS
    • Board updates
    • Event reports
    • Regional Meetings
    • 澳门特马网 Officials info, such as official of the month/new official
  • Public Relations – This section includes all official information for the general public .
    • Annual reports
    • Press statement

On the 澳门特马网 website you can browse news in different ways: the most recent ones; by their category; from a relevant page (eg. partner description, regional page). Moreover, the most important news will be pinned.

The categorized information will later be posted on various social media platforms to reach out to the forestry student community and partner organisations such as FAO, CIFOR, EFI, IUFRO and ITTO etc. Additionally, an 澳门特马网 newsletter will also be published every month with only selected content (based on the significance of the topic) from various categories.

You can submit your content by using this form : https://forms.gle/jBf6tbwDLYpRkH2T6