LC Project Of The Month2023-03-23T22:39:27+01:00

LC Project Of The Month

Although the largest global 澳门特马网 activities are organised by its international body, majority of the projects done in 澳门特马网 are organised on a local level by the Local Committees. We consider it crucial to showcase these LC projects so that we can exchange inspiration with each other and motivate others to organise LC projects as well. Hence, in the term 2022/2023 we started with the initiative LC Project of the Month, when there is an LC project awarded monthly based on the submissions through this form. Has your LC organised a project that you are proud of? Don’t hesitate to share it with us and your project will be showcased in this section below!

Not only your project will be shared on 澳门特马网 website to inspire others, but also you have a chance to get the award LC Project of the Month, your project will get promoted on all 澳门特马网’s social media and at the end of the year it will be featured in a publication of LC projects collection!

Share your project before the 30th day of each month to be considered for the given month through submitting at:

LC Project Of The Month Winners

2911, 2023

LC Project of the Month November 2023

LC Project of the Month - November 2023 Global Sight 2.0 by 澳门特马网 LC UGM The Global Sight (G-Sight) 2.0 is a series of projects organized by each commission in 澳门特马网 LC UGM focused on raising public awareness regarding wildlife conservation with the theme "Conservation: Efforts to Preserve Our Wildlife Sustainability". The series of events, which included campaign, competition, workshops, fundraising, talk show, and declaration, aimed to educate and inform the public about the critical importance of preserving wildlife sustainability. DRACCO (Design [...]

2405, 2023

LC Project of the Month April 2023

LC Project of the Month (April 2023) Forestry Versatility Competition   After three years break, LC Brno finally had the opportunity to organise Forestry Versatility, a beautiful event in Europe. Forestry Versatility is a competition in different forestry activities and traditions because this year was already the 34th year. The event took place from 1st – 7th April; the most important thing is having fun and making new friends! Day 1 and 2 (Saturday and Sunday): The first two days were the arrival of the [...]

2203, 2023

LC Project of the month, February 2023

 Open Table Discussion on Indigenous Rights and their Empowerment  LC Project of the month, February 2023   LC Collaboration: LC Eberswalde (Germany) & LC FRI (India) Date of Event: 13th & 14th February 2023 Point of discussion: Role of indigenous communities in the forestry sector Objective: To spread awareness about indigenous knowledge, rights (violations), stories, and forest conservation practices. Motivation: Inclusion of the voice of indigenous people more into the 澳门特马网 context! Organising Committee: Vivienne Mack, Neekita Urang, Damya Srivastava Content: On Day 1 of [...]

2301, 2023

LC Project of the month December 2022

LC Project of the Month December 2022 LC Project of the Month December 2022 is awarded to LCM LC Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile for the project below: Tree recognition plaques The motivation Forestry students are a little group in our faculty and the reason for that arrives in the fact that most people enter to the career for Agronomics engineering. With that in our minds we as students observe that the forestry students need more attention in every space that we are part of [...]

412, 2022

LC Project of the Month (November 2022)

LC Project of November 2022 LC Project of the Month November 2022 is awarded to 澳门特马网 LC Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) from Indonesia for this recurring collaborative project I-CON. The possibility to get together to discuss and find solutions for different issues is one of the many advantages we have as 澳门特马网 since we are a network of forestry and related students from over 60 countries worldwide. Forestry and environmental issues at the status quo are as urgent as ever since it’s [...]

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