Discover the 澳门特马网 Structure

澳门特马网 Wheel 2023/24

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The President is ultimately responsible for all aspects of the organization and works to ensure that 澳门特马网 is globally represented, inclusive, and growing in a way that is consistent with the organization's mission, vision and spirit. The President is the principal representative of the Association and leads the management of all external partnerships.

Vice President

The Vice President (VP) is in charge of the governance of 澳门特马网, while also assisting the President in every decision-making process. The Vice President leads the overall management of the internal departments of 澳门特马网, including any matter related to the members and Regions.


The Treasurer is responsible for all financial matters and ensures the correct and adequate use of the money owned by 澳门特马网. Moreover, the Treasurer handles the communication with the German authorities such as for the non-profit status of the association, or with the registration court and taxation offices.

Executive Secretary

The Executive Secretary takes care of matters concerning Secretariat, e-mail and archive, but is also responsible for record keeping (such as reports and minutes) and  for the  preparation of the General Assembly.Specifically, it is of fundamental importance the maintenance  of the physical and digital archives and the e-mail correspondence within and outside 澳门特马网.

Internal Councilor

The Internal Councilor focuses on overseeing the Communication and the Capacity Development Commissions, while ensuring there is as much communication and coordination among the Council members as possible. The Internal Affairs Councilor is responsible to make certain that operations in the organisation are executed in accordance with the Rules of Procedures and Statutes

Head of Communication Commission

Head of Communication Commission coordinates the Communication Commission which seeks to communicate all of 澳门特马网’s activities and opportunities to give the best experience for users through design and the webasite.

Head of Design Sub-Commission

Head of Designs plans, designs and communicates social media cards, brochures, banners and reports using the 澳门特马网 branding, and works on the visual identity of 澳门特马网.

Head of Publication Sub-Commission

Head of Publications is in charge of the news shared on the 澳门特马网 platforms. The main task is reviewing and publishing all the news from the 澳门特马网 network and curate the monthly 澳门特马网 Newsletter

Head of Social Media Sub-Commission

Head of social media manages 澳门特马网’s presence across social media platforms, ensuring that news around partner activities, events, regional meetings and important activities from 澳门特马网 are communicated with our 20,000+ social media followers across 5 online platforms

Head of Web Sub-Commission

Head of Web searches the best user’s experience for the 澳门特马网 website, keeping all information up-to-date and re-thinks the website’s format. The head of Web works together with Design and Publications to integrate their content on the webpages. Content published on the website is then often communicated to the social media platforms of 澳门特马网.

Head of Discord Sub-Commission

Head of discord manages, administers, and coordinates the 澳门特马网 Discord servers. They ensure engagement in the server by helping other officials or event organizer to involve participants in the server.

Head of Capacity Development Commission

Head of CDC seeks opportunities to develop skills of 澳门特马网 officials and members by organising training sessions and sharing other skill development opportunities, ideally alongside 澳门特马网 delegations and 澳门特马网 Partner events. The capacity development commission creates new learning content and opportunities for 澳门特马网 members through its different Sub-commissions.

Head of Carbon and Sustainability Sub-Commission

Head of Carbon and Sustainability keeps track of 澳门特马网’s emissions during events and travels; keeps an eye on Officials’ travels; organizes more sustainable events (e.g. by promoting low carbon travels through bus vouchers); raises awareness (e.g. by promoting sustainable-related movies). These actions, organized in 5 goals are part of 澳门特马网’s 2030 Sustainability Strategy.

Head of Cultural Competency Sub-Commission

Head of Cultural competency inspires a new 澳门特马网 culture with respect to diversity and intercultural understanding through the creation of training programs and learning material for 澳门特马网 events, such as guidelines on cultural sensitivity for meetings’ organizing committees.

Head of Forestry Education and Mentorship Sub-Commission

Head of Forestry Education strives to inform 澳门特马网 members about the Higher Education opportunities that exist worldwide and facilitates the integration of mentorship programs in 澳门特马网 delegations and a new mentoring program for 澳门特马网 officials - consulting members.. Following this aim, a series of webinars featuring both foreign students and program developers in inspiring universities around the globe have been launched. Thanks to this, 澳门特马网 contributes to increasing student mobility and improving the visibility of global forest programs.

Head of Language Sub-Commission

Head of Language promotes and encourages learning foreign languages mainly through the Language Exchange School, a language-tandem programme. The language taught/learned is linked to the language of the IFSS organizing country.

Head of Gender Sub-Commission

Head of gender organize activities that raise awareness on gender in forestry and provide or share learning opportunities for 澳门特马网 members and forestry students.

澳门特马网-IUFRO Join Task Force Coordinator

IUFRO-澳门特马网 JTF Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator ensure the liaison with the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO). This partnership increases training opportunities on needed competencies for 澳门特马网 members. The JTF collaborates with the Head of Forest Education.

External Councilor

The External Councilor assists in coordinating 澳门特马网’s external partnerships and processes with the President, and oversees the International Policy Commission and Liaison Officers.

Head of Partners Commission

The Head of Partners Commission is tasked with overseeing and coordinating all the activities happening within the the Commission. Thhey work closely with the eight Heads of Subcommission to ensure proper planning and execution of yearly plans, and assist them in all capacities to ensure that the different partnerships 澳门特马网 has with other organizations are developed.

Head of CIFOR-ICRAF Sub-Commission

The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and International Center for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) are non-profit, scientific institutions that conducts research on forest and landscape management globally. The Head of CIFOR Sub-Commission is responsible for maintaining and developing the relationship between 澳门特马网 and CIFOR. This position also functions as the focal point for the Youth in Landscapes Initiative (YIL)

Head of EFI Sub-Commission

The European Forest Institute (EFI) undertakes research on pan-European forest policy. This includes the environmental, economic, and conservational aspects of European Forests. EFI provides support and promotes the dissemination of policy-relevant information on forests and forestry while conducting interdisciplinary and cross-sector research on forest resources, products and services. The Head of EFI Sub-Commission serves as the communication link between 澳门特马网 and the EFI offices located in Joensuu (Finland, Headquarters), Bonn (Germany), Barcelona (Spain), and Rome (Italy). This position's responsibilities include overseeing 澳门特马网 delegations in EFI events, participation in webinars, and other activities and events.

Head of FAO Sub-Commission

The FAO is a specialized agency of the United Nations which operates in more than 130 countries worldwide. FAO’s goal is to achieve food security for all and make sure that people have regular access to enough high-quality food to lead active and healthy lives. The agency consists of four departments specialized in various essential topics such as agriculture, fisheries, aquaculture, climate, biodiversity, and forestry.

澳门特马网 and FAO have a strong relationship which is defined by a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that ensures the involvement of 澳门特马网 members in a wide variety of events all year long. The FAO’s commitment to supporting the growth of the partnership with 澳门特马网 is seen through participation of 澳门特马网 members in various events, such as the biannual statutory body meeting Committee on Forestry (COFO), the annual International Day of Forests (IDF) event, and Regional Forestry Commissions, which often feature an 澳门特马网 side sessions and a delegation of several students acting as observers.

The main responsibility of HoSc is to communicate and collaborate with the UNFAO closely and create strong engagements.

To know more visit /partners/fao/

Head of ITTO Sub-Commission

The International Tropical timber Organization (ITTO) is an intergovernmental organization that promotes conservation and sustainable management in the use and trade of tropical forest resources. The Head of ITTO Sub-Commission works closely with the contacts at ITTO to continuously assure an appropriate work direcctions for both organizations to achieve their goals with youth engagement.

Head of IUFRO Sub-Commission

The International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) is a non-profit, non-governmental international network of forest scientists. This organization promotes global cooperation in forest-related research and is one of 澳门特马网's most valuable professional partners. The Head of IUFRO Sub-Commission coordinates the partnership between 澳门特马网 and IUFRO and is the point person for partnership opportunities between the two organizations.

Head of RECOFTC Sub-Commission

The Regional Community Forestry Training Center for Asia and the Pacific (RECOFTC) was established in 1987 by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to research and address the issues of rapid deforestation in the Asia-Pacific region. RECOFTC provides a vast range of online education programs on Climate Change, Forest Carbon, REDD+, Land Use, and other critical topics. The Head of RECOFTC Sub-Commission maintains the relationship between 澳门特马网 and RECOFTC through the communication of collaborative programs, materials, and events.

Head of TFD Sub-Commission

The Forests Dialogue (TFD) was created in 1998 at Yale University to provide international leaders in the forest sector with an ongoing, multi-stakeholder dialogue (MSD) platform and process focused on developing mutual trust, shared understanding, and collaborative solutions to challenges in achieveing sustainable forest management and forest conservation around the world. The goal of TFD is to reduce conflict among stakeholders over the use and protection of vital forest resources. 澳门特马网 was formally accepted as a part of TFD in 2020. The Head of TFD Sub-Commission sees that 澳门特马网 representatives aid in TFD's goal of youth engagement through the active participation in worldwide dialogues.

Head of International Policy Commission

Head of IPC is responsible for the coordination and preparation of 澳门特马网’s contribution and delegations to forest related political processes and United Nations (UN) functions outlined below. The commission is also a forum for the discussion and exchange of opinions on forest policy and conduit for forest students to increase engagement with national policies. Each of the six sub-commissions support a dedicated process or a UN Agency.

Head of Forest Europe Sub-Commission

FOREST EUROPE is the brand name of the Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe. It is the pan-European voluntary high-level political process for intergovernmental dialogue and cooperation on forest policies in Europe. FOREST EUROPE develops common strategies for its 47 signatories (46 European countries and the European Union) on how to protect and sustainably manage their forests.

澳门特马网 is a recognised observer of the FOREST EUROPE process which involve a wide range of stakeholders, for instance, environmental and social NGOs, forest and landowners’ federations, forest industry and the scientific community. Through the partnership, 澳门特马网 regularly engages closely and actively participates in events and meetings held under the FOREST EUROPE process, as the Ministerial Conferences, Expert Level Meetings and Round Table Meetings. Oftentimes, a small delegation of 澳门特马网 students is travelling throughout Europe to follow the developments in forest policy. Here, 澳门特马网 plays an important role in representing the opinion of the youth in forestry in the FOREST EUROPE process.

The HoSC is responsible for this detailed interaction and implementing 澳门特马网'S mission and vision in Europe.

To know more visit /partners/forest-europe

Head of UNCBD Sub-Commission

The establishment of the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) has resulted from an increasing focus of international politics on human-environmental interaction. As one of the three so-called “Rio-conventions”, its founding follows an international agreement signed by all members of the UN, concluding the Earth Summit in 1992.

澳门特马网 is a registered observer organization at the CBD, As 澳门特马网 and convention share similar views on protecting biodiversity and promoting sustainability, 澳门特马网 provides opportunities for passionate youth to attend the COP. 澳门特马网 is also part of the youth constituency of GYBN and collaborates with them regularly. 

The HoSC is responsible for working out delegation and involvement of 澳门特马网 in UNCBD and YOUNGO. For more visit /partners/uncbd

Head of UNEP Sub-Commission

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP/UN Environment) was founded as results of the Stockholm Conference on Human Environment in 1972. As leading global environmental authority setting the global environmental agenda and promoting the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system, UN Environment serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment on a global scale. The partnership between UN Environment and 澳门特马网 was only initiated in 2017 and has been growing stronger ever since. Being the leading global environmental authority with several forest-related sub-bodies, such as the UN-REDD Programme and the Global Peatlands Initiative, UN Environment is a key partner for 澳门特马网. 澳门特马网 is an active member of the United Nations Major Group of Children and Youth of UN Environment, and contributing to several initiatives of this official youth constituency. The major work for the HoSC would be actively taking part in MGCY meetings, event, create scope for 澳门特马网 in UNEA (United Nations Environment Assembly, held every year) through this partnership collaborating with UNFF HoSCs and their guidance. To know more visit /partners/unep

Head of UNFCCC Sub-Commission

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an international environmental treaty of United Nations that was created as one of the outcomes of the Rio Earth summit in 1992 to give countries of the world a common forum in which to discuss measures to take on climate change. 澳门特马网 has an official observer NGO status in the Convention and sends delegations to the Conference of Parties (COP), REGIONAL Climate Weeks and various other UNFCCC events every year. 澳门特马网 has also been invited to high-level side-events to speak about youth and forestry and has hosted its own workshops in the past. 澳门特马网 IS also part of the youth constituency of YOUNGO that has its own yearly conference called the Conference of Youth (COY). 

The HoSC is responsible for working out delegation and involvement of 澳门特马网 in UNFCCC and YOUNGO. For more visit /partners/unf

Head of UNFF Sub-Commission

The United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) was established in 2000 in order to promote principles for sustainable forest management and explore the possibility of an international agreement on forestry. Civil society is a central element of the UNFF and crucial for the implementation of the UNSPF and the GFGs. Within the forum, several ‘Major Groups’ are the formal constituencies to engage civil society. The UNFF Major Group of Children and Youth (MGCY) is led by the 澳门特马网 and represents a central stakeholder group within the forum. In 2018, 澳门特马网 established the formal work plan for the years 2018-2020 to accelerate youth’ contributions. The HOSCs of UNFF Subcommission, responsible for implementing the work plan hence play a pivotal role in designing 澳门特马网'S position internationally and provide guidance for the entire IPC. Know more at /partners/unff

Head of WFF Sub-Commission

The World Food Forum (WFF) is an independent global network of partners, created for and led by the youth. The Head of WFF Sub-Commission is the communication link between 澳门特马网 and WFF that explores ways to involve 澳门特马网 members in WFF activities and maximize mutual benefit of both organizations.

Membership Councilor

The membership councilor focuses on coordinating regional action and overseeing the Regional Representatives. Important task is to represent the interests and needs of the Regions balances in the decisions taken by the Council.

Latin American Regional Representative

The Regional Representatives are the information links between the 澳门特马网 Board and the Local Committees (LC) in their region, and between the LCs to ensure good communication. The key duties of a Regional Representative are: keeping contact with LCs, cultivating and expanding the regional 澳门特马网 community, and collaborating with the other 澳门特马网 officials.

Northern American Regional Representative

The Regional Representatives are the information links between the 澳门特马网 Board and the Local Committees (LC) in their region, and between the LCs to ensure good communication. The key duties of a Regional Representative are: keeping contact with LCs, cultivating and expanding the regional 澳门特马网 community, and collaborating with the other 澳门特马网 officials.

Southern European Regional

The Regional Representatives are the information links between the 澳门特马网 Board and the Local Committees (LC) in their region, and between the LCs to ensure good communication. The key duties of a Regional Representative are: keeping contact with LCs, cultivating and expanding the regional 澳门特马网 community, and collaborating with the other 澳门特马网 officials.

Northern European Regional Representative

The Regional Representatives are the information links between the 澳门特马网 Board and the Local Committees (LC) in their region, and between the LCs to ensure good communication. The key duties of a Regional Representative are: keeping contact with LCs, cultivating and expanding the regional 澳门特马网 community, and collaborating with the other 澳门特马网 officials.

Southern Africa Regional Representative

The Regional Representatives are the information links between the 澳门特马网 Board and the Local Committees (LC) in their region, and between the LCs to ensure good communication. The key duties of a Regional Representative are: keeping contact with LCs, cultivating and expanding the regional 澳门特马网 community, and collaborating with the other 澳门特马网 officials.

Northern Africa Regional Representative

The Regional Representatives are the information links between the 澳门特马网 Board and the Local Committees (LC) in their region, and between the LCs to ensure good communication. The key duties of a Regional Representative are: keeping contact with LCs, cultivating and expanding the regional 澳门特马网 community, and collaborating with the other 澳门特马网 officials.

Asia-Pacific Regional Representative

The Regional Representatives are the information links between the 澳门特马网 Board and the Local Committees (LC) in their region, and between the LCs to ensure good communication. The key duties of a Regional Representative are: keeping contact with LCs, cultivating and expanding the regional 澳门特马网 community, and collaborating with the other 澳门特马网 officials.

Head of Podcast Sub-Commission

Head of Podcast Sub-Commission heads is in charge of 澳门特马网's Podcasts. The podcast brings a new medium to 澳门特马网 that shares stories of different experiences, special events, and backgrounds of both professionals and students in forestry and related sectors.

Head of Fundraising Sub-Commission

The Head of the Fundraising Sub-Commission works to provide funding opportunities for 澳门特马网 members.

Head of TreE-Learning Sub-Commission

The head of the TreE-Learning Sub-Commission is in charge of 澳门特马网’s TreE-Learning platform! This platform was made to respond to the needs of forestry students to fill in the gaps left by their formal education.

Head of Prosilva Sub-Commission

Pro Silva is an European confederation of professional foresters across more than 25 European countries who advocate and promote Pro Silva Close to Nature Forest Management Principles as an alternative to clear felling, short-term tree plantations. Pro Silva promotes forest management strategies which optimise the maintenance, conservation and utilisation of forest ecosystems in such a way that the ecological and socio-economic functions are sustainable and profitable. The Head of Pro Silva Sub-Commission coordinates and develops the partnership between 澳门特马网 and Pro Silva Europe and is the point person for partnership opportunities between the two organizations