Expert Level Meeting

9-10 January, 2024, Bonn, Germany

Summary of the event

The Expert Level Meeting is the second most important event in the process of FOREST EUROPE after the Ministerial Conference. This event is dedicated to the negotiations on the ministerial documents that will be signed at the Ministerial Conference. The main participants of the event are representatives of signatories countries and observer organizations, like 澳门特马网. 

The event was happening from the 9th to the 10th of January 2024, in Bonn, Germany, at the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).

During the event, participants went through the documents and commented on the content, preparing the documents to be signed by the ministers, which was accompanied by active negotiations. In addition to comments from the signatories’ countries, observer organizations were taking part in the negotiations as well.

As an official observer organization of FOREST EUROPE,  澳门特马网 was invited to the event representing youth in forestry. 澳门特马网 delegation included 5 students from Nepal, India, Ukraine, and Germany. 澳门特马网 presented a short statement, addressing participants of the event, and raising suggestions for youth empowerment in the forestry sector. In addition to this, our representatives used the opportunity to give comments on the draft of the ministerial document, thus contributing to the negotiation process.

Other than that, 澳门特马网 managed to get a short interview with Matthias Schwoerer, Head of Division International Forest Policy, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. Please follow the link to see the interview where we got some insights from the professional on how the negotiations are happening, how this event relates to the Ministerial Conference and how the role of youth is perceived.


Picture 1. 澳门特马网 representative making statement on the ministerial documents

Delegates Experience

Helena Kelka, 澳门特马网 LC Freising

The Expert Level Meeting marked my inaugural experience at an international conference, sparking immense excitement to witness the intricacies of such an event. Fortuitously, I had the opportunity to engage with fellow 澳门特马网 delegates during our train journey, who graciously imparted their insights from past conferences. Upon arrival at the ministry building, I had the chance, on behalf of 澳门特马网, to interview Matthias Schwoerer, the chair — an endeavor that initially filled me with a tinge of apprehension, given my lack of prior interviewing experience. Nevertheless, it served as a valuable opportunity to broaden my horizon and delve deeper into interview strategies.

The conference room, though modest in size, fostered extensive interactions with numerous attendees, including the signatories. The arduous negotiations spanning over four hours on the first day left a lasting impression, as I observed the unwavering focus and adept questioning from the negotiators, with Matthias skillfully steering discussions and discerning pertinent annotations.

Among the highlights of the event was the convivial dinner, where I engaged in enriching conversations with delegates from Iceland, Norway, and the UN, delving into their career trajectories and expanding my professional network. Notably, I had the pleasure of conversing with co-chair Linda, hailing from Sweden, further igniting my anticipation for an upcoming Erasmus semester in her homeland.

The overall atmosphere exuded warmth and camaraderie, exemplified by a delegate bidding farewell after three decades of service to FOREST EUROPE. Anticipation loomed as the organizing committee announced the forthcoming event in Freising in June, where my familiarity with the locale prompted the secretary to seek recommendations for venues and activities—a task I eagerly embraced.

Looking ahead, I aspire to participate in the ministerial conference scheduled for October, eager to witness the culmination of the negotiation process firsthand.


Bandana Dhakal, 澳门特马网 LC Göttingen

As an 澳门特马网 delegate attending the Expert Level Meeting of FOREST EUROPE, it was an enriching experience. Witnessing all the party countries actively engaging in discussions, exchanging ideas, and deliberating on crucial forest-related matters was truly fascinating. Every nation brought its unique perspective and concerns to the table, showcasing a genuine commitment to finding common ground for sustainable forest management.

One aspect that particularly stood out to me was the role of observer organizations in the discussions. It was intriguing to observe how these organizations presented their perspectives, hoping to sway at least one of the party countries to endorse their proposals and integrate them into the formal discourse. The dynamism and dedication with which they advocated for their causes was commendable, demonstrating the importance of diverse voices in shaping policy frameworks.

What struck me as especially encouraging was the recognition given to statements from 澳门特马网 within the document. It was heartening to see that our input was taken into consideration and deemed valuable in the formulation of policies and strategies concerning forest management. This acknowledgment reaffirmed the significance of youth involvement and fresh perspectives in addressing complex global challenges.

Beyond the formal sessions, the networking opportunities provided valuable avenues for interaction. Engaging in conversations with both party delegates and representatives from various organizations allowed for the exchange of insights, experiences, and best practices. These interactions not only broadened my understanding of different approaches to forest management but also fostered meaningful connections that may lead to future collaborations and partnerships.

Overall, my experience as an 澳门特马网 delegate at the Expert Level Meeting of FOREST EUROPE was immensely rewarding. From witnessing active participation in discussions to contributing to the dialogue through 澳门特马网’s perspective and engaging in fruitful networking, I walked away with a deeper appreciation for the complexities of forest governance and the importance of collaborative efforts in addressing them.


Picture 2. The meeting venue and 澳门特马网 delegation at the event 


澳门特马网 – Forest Europe Expert Level Meeting (2024) Interview with Matthias Schwoerer

Note: Interview was conducted in January – video waiting to be updated.


With great support from the FOREST EUROPE team and the enthusiasm of 澳门特马网 members, 澳门特马网 contributed to the negotiations at the Expert Level Meeting with statements and comments on the ministerial documents. Five 澳门特马网 delegates had the opportunity to see the negotiation process in person, network with professionals, and learn a little more about the policy development process on a Pan-European level. And to share negotiation insights with 澳门特马网 members the interview with Matthias Schwoerer was conducted. 

If you are interested in joining similar events, follow 澳门特马网 media for the delegation open call for the next Expert Level Meeting, which will be taking place in Freising, Germany in June 2024!